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Sciencesoft’s User Group Programme Launched

Sciencesoft is committed to and takes pride in providing outstanding customer service. As part of our ongoing efforts to develop and raise our level of customer service, it has recently launched the Sciencesoft User Group Programme.

The first of these was held in February in Japan with a one day user group meeting in Tokyo. Sciencesoft has been working with oil companies based in Japan for a number of years and now has an extensive customer base in area. This day-long event offered everyone opportunities to build on and go beyond the ordinary ‘demo session’.

The focus of the user groups is to study different simulation scenarios and demonstrate example workflows making use of all the products within our Reservoir Simulation Suite. This includes demonstrating products available today and those in development for future release. Feedback is especially encouraged to help us with the development of current and ongoing products such as S3optima. Ideas and concepts in the user group setting can be discussed and shared among users with very different sets of interests, expertise and challenges. In the user group a good deal of interaction time is available for audience participation. This naturally leads to discussion within the audience itself, among the different companies, about what problems are faced, what constitutes good simulation practice and what techniques might be used with specific challenges.

Another opportunity afforded by the user group is to ask clients to present to their peers how their own company might use our software to help with the challenges they are faced with. This in fact is always the key question – how can companies use and benefit from software such as S3GRAF and S3control in “real life” business situations? At the Tokyo user group, a reservoir engineer from INPEX very kindly gave a presentation on how INPEX use the software to generate sensitivity analyses and to standardise on the post-processing analysis. This type of presentation is always highly credible and particularly appreciated by an expert audience.

Our thanks to all participants – domo arigato gozaimasu – Sciencesoft very much enjoyed being your host on the day. We now look forward to next year’s user group with even more anticipation.

June 17, 2015


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